A few weeks ago I gave myself a challenge. I have been taking high dose vitamin D3 for a few years now off and on. It has really worked wonders on my health and fitness, but I seemed to have reached a level and no longer progressing at the end of last year an old ankle injury started to play up. This is the ankle where I had chipped a bone in my twenties. It ended up being extremely painful and I was struggling. I went for an MRI scan and it as diagnosed as Achilles Tendinosis not pleasant. Typical I was sent to a physio who tried to re-balance my feet by orthotics. Well needless to say I did my own research and discovered the reason was because with my high dose D3 I was not balancing this with the right amount of Magnesium. I had been taking Magnesium L-Threonate (Neuro-Mag Life Extension) one tablet morning and night for a couple of years now. Magnesium and this one in particular is essential for over 300 different biochemical reactions in the body from cardiovascular and bone health support, to energy metabolism, mood, and most especially cognitive function. It’s the sort of magnesium that can pass the blood brain barrier.
This type of magnesium was obviously not enough do I upped to taking Magnesium Citrate as well but no matter what dose I took I had no reaction. If you take too much magnesium you should be spending a lot of time on the toilet and it would be very unpleasant but no matter how much I took it had no dramatic effects. Clearly there was something wrong. Even Milk of Magnesia had no effect. Clearly there was something off with my metabolising magnesium.
Thanks to the wonders of the internet I discovered that if on mega doses on D3 if Magnesium doesn’t work and you are probably suffering heavy metal toxicity. I looked up the testing of heavy metal toxicity 2 of the symptoms are tingling in your hands and feet, chills and weakness. Well I no longer have chills thanks to Vitamin D3 but still have tingling in my hands and feet and weakness. Looking at the cost of getting tested it’s extortionate, I looked at what to take again it’s extortionate so what to do? Also testing is complicated your body tries to protect itself and hides away toxic substances like heavy metals in your body tissues, so blood, urine and stool tests are often inaccurate. I decided I would use Zeolite in powder form and make my own tablets to take as otherwise it’s like eating soil. I am using the animal grade it’s been used on animals for years and centuries ago the exact same would have been used by native tribes see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6277462/ the brand I use is for animal feed so after all I am an animal why shouldn’t I use this kind. I also added EDTA Disodium Powder and Organic Chlorella Powder and to create fast transit Organic Triphala Powder.
Well after just a week it was like a vail had lifted my mood changed dramatically, my skin improved. If I hear music in a passing car I want to dance (that’s never been me). I started to feel really happy with life and myself all my negativity disappeared. When I went for my Cryostimulation session the difference was amazing too it took half the time to move the areas being treated down to the required temperature, it moved from 8 minutes to 4 minutes. The therapist Joelle was so impressed with the changes witnessed in me she decided to go on a heavy metal detox herself. I feel I look years younger, I hope that’s true. I was so much looser in my body when I went for my usual sports massage, much less intense. In yoga I felt in much more control of my balance. I am continuing my detox to complete a month, without testing I won’t be able to completely tell if I’m completely free of mercury but if I am Magnesium should work for me and the weakness in my legs will shortly go, if no noticeable difference after the detox I will start the detox again in a cycle until I feel free of the last of my MS symptoms.
After yet more research I found Advanced TRS a more bioavailable kind of Zeolite if you look at results from the facebook groups on Advanced TRS you’ll find the amazing results being achieved with this product on autistic children. Now that’s frightening why are young children contaminated by heavy metals or other toxins that Zeolite removes.
God help us as a society.