The D3 effect

D3 is an amazing hormone. Since I started my health experiment it has caused various reactions from people most very encouraging happily supporting what I am doing. Because people know I’ve been constantly reading up on medical and health information, I am getting asked more and more about what they should take for this and that. My answer is always along the same lines I’m not a doctor you could try taking D3 but read about it first make sure you fully understand the dangers; I’m not convinced myself about all of the dangers but I know what they could be and am always on the lookout for them.

It has given me a greater appreciation of Doctors. We go to the Doctors expecting them to answer all our questions and come out with a prescription for some drug or other that will cure our issue. It must be sole destroying to be a Doctor in this day and age. That is why I was so encouraged to read the article that Jeff Knowles sent me about Dr Coimbra in Brazil. This Neurologist has pushed the boat out with his work using D3 to treat Neurological conditions, it’s so refreshing to read good news for a change. Unfortunately there are no followers of Dr Coimbra’s protocol in the UK where D3 is waiting for clinical trials, the general feeling in the UK is that D3 doesn’t work. It won’t work if the doses used are insufficient which they inevitably will be. Jeff Knowles’s work has shown how poor the knowledge is of D3 is in the medical community. The UK has not picked up on the fact that people with Neurological conditions do not metabolise D3 like other unaffected people might. Wake up to the global information out there, Now over 4,000 MS sufferers in remission worldwide surely that is the clinical trial that proves the effectiveness of D3. Many doctors around the world are coming on board with this to great effect, but sadly not in the UK

The Coimbra protocol explained


Jeff Knowles started getting pains in joints that were healing with his D3 experiment, so when I started on D3 I was expecting my left ankle to play up. I had sprained this ankle several times over the years, but the last x-ray I had showed that an earlier sprain wasn’t a sprain at all but I had chipped the bone and there was a small piece of the bone dislodged. So come the high doses of D3 I was waiting for my ankle to start hurting, well it did but only after I got my D3 doses up to 200,000 IU’s something I did just for a few days. I’d been on 100,000 for over a month before I upped the dose.

I am definitely not any expert but what I am doing is working for me and I highly recommend it, but not without reading and gaining an understanding about the undertaking. Don’t bother with any experiment with your health if you’re not prepared to embrace it totally 200%. If you have MS like me:-

  • You must alter your diet.
  • You must be prepared to be more active and embrace building up your fitness and exercise.
  • If you are in a family environment and not living alone. You must get support from your family they may also need to embrace your dietary changes as well. This will get very difficult if you are surrounded by people on a different diet than that you are on.
  • You must drink 3 litres or more of water a day or more herbal teas can be counted towards the 3 litres total as well.

Don’t rush expecting miracle improvements right away a disease like MS may have taken say 20 – 40 years or more to form there is no magic pill that will resolve your symptoms overnight. I gave myself 2 years at the start of this to see if it had any impact, but it’s now only 15 months in and I know I’m now committed for life. The improvements were obvious within about 4 months nothing major but enough to convince me that I’m on the right path.

Before you start get your D3 levels tested. If your doctor won’t do this you can do a home test in the UK the following site offers more information about what’s involved, but it’s just a spot of blood on a slide, nothing too difficult.

Blood Spot Test Kit Order Line

Tel: +44 (0)121 507 4278

Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.00 UK time

Actually it’s kind of criminal that doctors don’t get a D3 test done for all of their patients on a regular basis, especially if you live in the Northern hemisphere.

Before you start I suggest you have a clear understanding of the symptoms to look out for if you may encounter a problems with your health experiment:-

Although most people take vitamin D supplements without any problems, it’s possible to take too much. This is called vitamin D toxicity. When your 25(OH)D levels are too high, this can cause high levels of calcium to develop in your blood. High blood calcium is a condition called hypercalcemia. Now if you have an auto immune disease like me it is now known that our ability to process D3 is compromised. Before you start on high doses you will probably get results of a D3 blood test coming back as deficient then after high doses excessive. You should just be concerned with ensuring you have none of the symptoms of D3 toxicity. I had no symptoms when the lab came back to me telling me I was 1,000 times over the recommended limit that was a few months ago and I still have no symptoms, and all my doctors checks gave me showed no issues though I obviously had a thyroid issue which I am reversing with selinium, ashwagandha, magnesium and tumeric current NHS test are inadequate for thyroid they are checking for Throyd hormone levels in your brain not your cells, by the time your brain is affected you are most probably very poorly. How did I know? Well I lost the hair on the end of my eye brows and lower lashes. Not now if i was dealing with a functional medicine practitioner the would have looked at me as a whole entity and noticed this.

I also found a Vitamin B issue my nails started to get ridges a Niocin deficiency.

The symptoms of hypercalcemia include:

  • Feeling sick or being sick
  • Poor appetite or loss of appetite
  • Feeling very thirsty – unlikely if you are following the recommendation of drinking 3 litres of water a day.
  • passing urine often – this one is difficult to judge as with MS you may already have this as an issue before starting any supplements but think have things changed. Drinking the 3 litre of waters per day is required so again it’s impossible to judge this one properly! I recommend if you can drinking more than 3 litres.
  • Constipation or diarrhoea – Well this should be easy if like me you have changed your diet to one high in fibre, things in this area should have dramatically improved so changes will be noticeable, but you still should not have any abnormal bowel movements.
  • abdominal pain
  • Muscle weakness or pain – Another one difficult to judge so again think have things changed. I found occasional aches, but only twinges really and once I built up my activity they soon disappeared.
  • bone pain
  • Feeling confused -Another one difficult to judge so again think have things changed? I was suffering from brain fog before D3 but not since or at least I’m not noticing it any more.
  • Feeling tired – Again think have things changed?

On the results of the 25(OH)D test you’ll have the results ranked as to where you are within the recommended standard. The standard quoted is extremely low. People with MS metabolise D3 differently I was 1,000 times over the recommended limit at one time with no adverse affects  (the Lab panicked and phoned me) but don’t panic too much about these results get advice from your doctor but be warned they will know less than you on this journey once you start reading up.

Holick MF. Calcium and Vitamin D. Diagnostics and Therapeutics. Clin Lab Med. 2000 Sep;20(3):569-90)

Most people in the UK will be deficient. I was in the normal range when I started but I had been taking 5,000 IU’s daily for 10 years prior to starting this journey, that dose hadn’t made any difference to me, also I’d been on JuicePlus for 6 months which is a product high in D3 so my levels would have been distorted before the start of my D3 experiment. The way I judged it was based on Jeoff’s book he noticed pain from joint remodelling so I based my doses on whether I noticed any pain in my ankle where I had a chipped bone. I built up to 100,000 D3 tablets for a month after 6 months and I still noticed no ankle pain. I went onto 200,000 for a few days and instantly noticed some pain. I backed off to the amount recommended by Dr Coimbra based on my weight so have settled to 60,000 a day with my main meal. I am still getting a small amount of pain in my ankle so I think the remodelling has started but will probably be slower as I have lowered the dose. I’ll probably give it about a month and if no different will up the does again for a few days.

It’s all about listening to your body if things are changing are they changing for the better? The one test that is vital is your blood calcium level if that is normal and you feel normal then you’re doing great, If anything is changing for the worse stop the D3 and rethink what you are doing. Have you adjusted your diet, are you’re taking sufficient K2 and is it the MK4 or MK7 version, some people taking the MK4 version got heart palpitations, make the switch as per Jeff’s book.


What products are you buying you could be part of the problem.

Informative video watch what you buy stop buying products which contain Micro-Plastics.

According to a previous National Geographic report, an estimated 4,360 tons of microbeads were used in personal care products sold in the European Union (EU) in 2012, all of which get flushed down the drain.

According to one 2015 study, there may be as much as 236,000 tons of microbeads filling the water columns of our oceans. As noted by National Geographic:



Floride what we all should know


An interview with award-winning journalist, Christopher Bryson, about his groundbreaking book The Fluoride Deception.


If you’ve read any of my blog before you may have noticed that I am on my own personal health journey. I have Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis but I noticed some of my symptoms were getting worse which prompted me to act. Since January 2015 I have been reading daily books on health and Diet, I have found out some amazing and worrying things some of these things everyone should know and much of the things I will now share with you are critical for your health they are not things that should be ignored.

I was always predestined to have health issues

In every person their health is predetermined by a balance between their genes and their lifestyle -lifestyle being diet, exercise, stresses, location that is nearness to the equator etc.… the balance at inception is estimated to be 20% genes, 80 % Lifestyle. I was going to say birth but I think it goes back further than that else why are there miscarriages and birth defects?

I was born by caesarean and formula fed not breast fed to a mother who loved sugar and smoked so I inherited a Sugar addiction and I didn’t inherit the optimal gut microbes that a virginal birth would have given me. Gut microbe research is going to be the next big health thing. Some amazing results are currently being revealed for FMT but that’s a huge fascinating subject to blog about in a future posts.

I’ve never smoked but just as an illustration about the power that the sugar industry has over us I will take cigarettes’ as an example. It’s thought by some that sugar was added to cigarettes to make them addictive. Did you know? Every cigarette contains half a teaspoonful of sugar! It’s the white processed sugar in cigarettes that’s prematurely ageing and killing people. Smokers and diabetics are unaware of the sugar in smokes undermining their health. Consider this: The World’s number 1 sugar customer – the processed food industry. World’s number 2 sugar customer – the tobacco industry. Medical World News states the sugar in cigarettes is the main source of lung cancer. Manufactures add sugar, creating the sugar habit as well as the nicotine habit. When a smoker tries to quit they may struggle. Suddenly the sugar isn’t there anymore, so they may crave sugary products. Resulting in weight gain. Cigarettes are the only product that doesn’t print its ingredients on the box! We have been deliberately misled to believe it’s made of tar, nicotine and other toxic fillers. But they don’t tell you there’s half a teaspoon of processed sugar in each cigarette. 10-20% sugar is added to cigarettes. Up to 20% in cigars. 40% in pipe tobacco. Based on experimental studies is was found that the sugar in cigarettes is the main source of lung cancer, that was when comparing lung cancer rates where sugar was added and where it wasn’t. So what? Remember that refined (white) sugar is the most addictive drug in the world. . Boosting sugar levels, say the researchers, makes the smoke more poisonous.

At this time no one can tell you how much the 20%/80% health scale gets tipped by for specifics but the odds were not in my favour. I was a serious sugars addict from as far back as I can remember. I could not pass up any chance to eat sweets. If I ever had money in my pocket I would buy sweets and I loved crisps and sugary drinks, never a day went by when I was not eating sugar. The damage that sugar does to your body has been masked and hidden by the Big Companies for years and years. I was well addicted to processed foods and really sugary products like Pizza’s and easy zap in the microwave meals.

My health balance I now believe because of my diet and lifestyle led me into being diagnosed with MS in the year 1999 when I was 39. The genetics in my case would always have been something neurological as my Grandmother on my Mother’s side died of disseminated scleroses (a past term for what is now known as Multiple Sclerosis), she had been a quadriplegic for about 8 years before she died. My mother is in a home with Alzheimer’s and My Uncle (Mum’s brother) died of Parkinson’s. Basically my genetics gave me a high likelihood of a neurological issue if my lifestyle was not managed optimally which it certainly wasn’t my ignorance was to blame not my genetics.

All this information I have now been researching is new to me, but my life would have been different if I had respected my health and lifestyle more, but sadly the information was not available to me at the time. It’s sad really as a lot of these facts were known at that time but as I do my own research I find so many people like myself and doctors are still unaware of many of the facts that I have been researching on. There are some great ways to help your health journey that do not involve drugs. It almost criminal (actually it is really criminal) what is happening in the world regrading health and diet matters, but unfortunately there is big money and big companies involved, you only have to do your own research in pub med to find a lot of great answers to health issues, but if a natural substance is found by the research it will be put on the back shelf as you cannot licence a herb or a natural substance, so if no money is to be made results are forgotten about (Purposely?). If you could licence D3 we would all be prescribed it as a necessary supplement for all. You are not being told just what the damage is to you if you eat processed food, it is highly likely you are seriously damaging your health especially if the meat used in the process is factory farm produced.

The latest research on Alzheimer’s labels it as type 3 diabetes surely an indication of something wrong with the person’s blood sugar. Are we as a nation now destined to live longer but not live healthier?

Could it be the Sugar that contributed to my MS, containing some sweeteners like Aspartame have been linked to MS see:-

Do we really know what we eat?





My name is Carolyn and I’m a sugar addict

I am the world’s greatest expert on me and how I feel.

I am no health expert, but one thing I do know is that I am the world’s greatest expert on me and how I feel. An individual should take responsibility for their own health not expect anyone else to do it for them. We are all told throughout our lives that doctors know best. How true is this? I have discussed my health experiment with doctors and the ones I have spoken to are unaware of some of the details and facts I’ve gained knowledge off. Do doctors once they’ve qualified stop keeping pace with the new discoveries? There are some amazing facts that have been known for years and are being kept hidden mostly because Big Pharma can’t make any money from them or the processed food industry want to keep hidden the real damaging truth about their processed food.

Since my MS diagnosis I have never been asked about my diet, my sugar intake or my bowel movements 3 critical things, I do remember seeing a leaflet about diet, saying changing my diet could help, not saying that changing my diet was Crueshal. I never realised until recently that I was severely addicted to sugar, that itchiness and skin rash on my back was a result of my sugar intake. My recent reading shows how bad sugar is for your health I was totally a sugar addict I could never pass a sweet shop without buying a bag of sweets and even now I find that I really miss the sugar. In my teens at work I used to chain drink Lift Lemon Tea sometimes having 18 or more cups a day.

Ingredients of Lift Lemon Tea

  • Dextrose,
  • Soluble Solids of Tea (6.7%),
  • Acid (Citric Acid),
  • Dried Glucose Syrup,
  • Acidity Regulator (E331),
  • Flavourings,
  • Vitamin C.

Not a heath drink but I was addicted but on a day to day basis I was drinking the lemon tea from a vending machine so the ingredients might have been a lot worse and not the Lift product. One of the hardest things to do when trying to improve your health is to wean your self of sugar, I lapse from time to time, well I’m only human but it’s vital, stop eating processed foods that’s really easy, though more cheaper than the alternatives, that’s where supermarkets win the battle, they can keep the price of your meals down – But what price health. Humans are clearly loosing the battle we are living longer but not healthier.

What makes processed foods so bad? Added sugar obviously, but ingredients are reconstituted from their natural state by processing methods. Processing changes things it removes necessary fibre in a way that might cause your body to be unable to recognise the food which by its new construction is alien to the human body so it’s now missing necessary minerals and vitamins. It’s been said that this unnatural change to foods by processing is causing the obesity epidemic and that obese people are actually starving themselves as they are eating food that is alien to the human body. The processed food industry are well aware about this but clearly not taking any action.

We all need to be able to find a functional medicine practitioner, but where are they?

Conspiracy Theory

Working treatments from natural methods and natural supplements have been masked and suppressed for years. I am now a believer in conspiracy theory if I wasn’t one before.

Drugs are not always the answer

There are better ways drugs are not always the answer. Some enlightened doctors and researchers’ are coming up with better ways and although they still don’t know everything they are much more likely to get a better outcome for their patients. Functional medicine is surely the key.

Doctor are given so little time to really get to the heart of any problem they seem to have time to log on the their computer and dole out drugs. My doctors were hopeless when I had a stress induced MS attach which was a nerve pain attack. I was offered paracetamol or something similar a totally ineffective pain killer for nerve pain, I had to get the MS Nurse to tell my doctor to give me a massively high dose of steroids. The chemist thought the doctor had made a mistake with the dose and refused to give them to me without speaking to the doctor. I wouldn’t like to be long term on steroids but it was the first time in 8 years that I had actually been totally pain free amazing drugs and they served their purpose but long term use is seriously damaging.

Now I’m taking my high dose D3 I still have hypersensitivity when I wear trousers its like they are scalding me, but it’s been the same feeling I’ve had for years now so it’s just normal. Often now it’s getting less and less obvious I am forgetting more and more about it hopefully it’s going to completely disappear but at least it’s lessening.

The modern health system is not designed to cure patients

The modern health system is designed to operate on treating symptoms, not to cure the diseases that gave you the symptoms in the first place. I’ve noticed that since I’ve been on  large doses of D3 I’ve sailed through life without catching colds or flues, which had been catching out so many of the people surrounding me.

I bet you would find so many less incidences of colds and flu if NHS advised patents to take D3 in place of getting a very ineffective flu jab. I am really anti flu jabs anyway and here’s why:-

In the winter of 2009 I followed up getting a flu jab due to me apparently being very susceptible according the doctors letter. So I got the jab with the additional swine flu jab and it consequently brought on a major MS attack. I was bed ridden for a week and only after a massive doses of steroids did I get back to a reasonable mobility state. The jab could have left me permanently disabled as it was it left me far weaker and no longer able to run. But was I being told to get the jab because I really was at risk or because my doctors practice get paid for every flu jab they administer?

Inserted taken from NHS England prof flu vac payments.

Payment for FLu Jabs

If Doctors are being given incentives to use a vaccine rather than a more effective natural alternative what hope have we got. Here is a link taken from The Telegraph about Individual NHS doctors receiving £100,000 per year from drugs firms

Is our health really being taken care of by Doctors?

Doctors don’t know everything

Doctors don’t know everything and I don’t know everything, but current medical training misses much of the great research done with natural supplements and complementary medicinal practices. Function Medicine is the key.

It is not in a drug company’s interest for you to stop using their drugs again and again

It is not in a drug company’s interest to get you out of having to use the drug again and again, there is no profit in the drug company curing you, and they’ll only make profits by managing the symptoms and getting you to buy more of their drugs.

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